Average claim value reported to be over £5,300*
Check your entitlement in under a minute. 100% online means No-Phone calls.
Trusted by over 300,000 people.
Rated 4.6/5 from over 1,690 reviews.
24/7 Support
Manage your claim online via your mobile

Why we think people join us....
Start your claim enquiry in seconds, finish in minutes.
Our digital process means no phone calls & 24/7 support.
People receive compensation. £2.4 million recovered in 2023***

People like the way we do things...
Great communication
We just entered our claim enquiry and received a welcome email and SMS within minutes. Explained what would happen next and when I will hear from the next......lets see if they stick to it. Happy so far.
Myles - 04/05/2024
Wonderful Self Support
Great experience with the online AI tool. They found my claim after my emissions claim against VW paid compensation. I changed address and I updated it all online. No phone calls. Aces.
Mrs A Windsor - 03/04/2024
Ok - so far.....
Easy to make the claim enquiry. Cannot find out when I get compensation, but did find the fees easy enough in the SMS link. Do like the self support. Stil sceptical but time will tell.
Carly Smith - 24/06/2024
Easy enough. Odd message
I had used these guys for my emissions claim and found them to be good. I had a message asking if I would also like to claim for PCP. Seems straightforward
V OReilly - 04/06/2024
4.6/5 from over 1,690 reviews.
92% of users recommend us.
Self Support
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The legal bit
* Refers to the volume of claim enquiries received over the past 12-months. This is an indicator and not an exact figure. Accurate to within 10,000.
** "No-Win, No-Fee" agreement, or conditional fee agreement, is a payment arrangement between you and your solicitor. It ensures that if your claim for compensation is unsuccessful, you won't be responsible for paying your lawyer's fees. Any fee(s) will be recovered from compensation upon a successful claim. Fee's can be found within the claim paperwork sent via email and SMS. IMPORTANT: You have the right to cancel this agreement within 14-days of receiving that claim paperwork link.
*** Statement is derived from reading feedback provided during review of claimant journey feedback. Each claimant is asked to review our onboarding process within days of a successful claim enquiry being placed.
The above images are stock photos posed by models.
IDTech Solutions Ltd Terms of business show that you must be a UK resident, over the age of 18 years old - this does not include the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man or Scotland.
Recover you money lost to mis-sold car finance agreements.
Don't give up.
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Copyright © IDTech Solutions Limited 2023
MisSoldCarFinance & REcover Your Money are trading name of IDTech Solutions Limited. IDTech Solutions Limited is not a solicitor or claims management company. IDTech Solutions is a UK based and registered company. The registered office of is Unit 26g Springfield Commercial Centre, Bagley Lane, Farsley, Leeds, England, LS28 5LY. Registered with the Information Commissioner Office. ICO Number ZB182067. Registered VAT# 349274178. , United Kingdom. Company number 12142451.